Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Confessions of a Hopeful Soul

Since Sunday is the day I set aside for introspection, meditation and recharging for the upcoming week, I decided that on Mondays I would share with you some confessions. They will include things I want to change about myself, things as they are, observations, hopes I have, and insights into my mind and heart.

I know, it's Tuesday today. Which leads into my first confession . . .

*I try to get too many things done in a day.*

Blogging was on my list of things to do yesterday. However, it got crowded out by preparing for a dinner with friends, starting our taxes on the computer {ughh}, grocery shopping, shuttling kids to and from school, pushing laundry through, working on a custom order, fixing some design challenges, doing dishes, spending time with my kids and family . . . etc. . . . and by etc. I mean all the other minute things I did that my fuzzy brain can't remember at this very moment.

I see this as both a fault and a virtue.
I do sometimes run faster than I am able and forget to spend time on the things that REALLY matter. This leads to stress, back pain {for me}, ingratitude, and ignoring others' needs. Sometimes I run so fast, I trample the flowers instead of smelling them! This is a fault!

However, having a FULL day is rewarding! I am a busy person and a hard worker. It is satisfying to me to spend every waking moment cramming in as much "living" as I possibly can! I feel that this can be a virtue . . . as long as I am spending my time doing things that REALLY matter, things that cannot be changed.

The balance lies in choosing to fill my day with the most important things and letting the ones go that aren't as important. Thankfully I can change, and do better in evaluating my priorities. :)

Ahhh, it feels better to get that off my chest! Here's to BALANCE, fulfillment and true happiness!

Fondly, Kate


  1. I left a comment but it didn't show up . . . so let's try this again!

    I HEAR YOU! Finding balance is so tough. But, the first step in finding balance is realizing you need to and you sound like a very conscientious, thoughtful woman. Here's to prioritizing and finding time to do what's most important and still making the most of our creative lives.
    Thanks for sharing your meditation.

  2. Kendra,
    Thank you for your kind words! Balance is elusive sometimes. Once I think I have it, something changes in my life and balance escapes me for a little bit! Continuing to seek for it, though, is what really matters, I think.
