Thursday, March 31, 2011

Bold to Beautiful

I admit it, I'm a junkaholic! 

One morning, as I was taking kids to school last year, I saw this cute little aqua dresser sitting out front of a neighbor's house with a 'FREE' sign taped to it. 

I did a double take, at which time, my wonderful husband said, "Don't even think about it". I promised him I wouldn't come back and pick it up . . . 

so, I dropped everyone off at school, drove right back, and threw it in the back of our minivan. Took it home and hid it in the garage for awhile until I could get to it.

We were in sore need of a quilt chest in the livingroom. So I removed two drawers and the cross-beams, gave it a fresh coat of white paint, and filled it full of quilts.

Although I thought the aqua was wonderful, most furniture that is to stay in my house MUST be painted white!

I think it turned out pretty great! {and my husband liked it too}!

Three cheers for turning junk into junque! :)

Fondly, Kate


  1. LOL! I have to giggle at you! I do the same thing! I think your little quilt chest looks and functions great!

  2. Yes, we junkaholics must stick together! lol Your 'junque' turned out beautifully and your quilts are lovely too!

  3. What a lovely "Re-do" <3!!!
    I always take damaged items home from the furniture store I work in..never the "new stuff"...Peops always say "I bet your house is filled with great items because you own a furniture store!" But I tell them that I give new life to unwanted things in my house lol!---I think it is such a lovely venture and path to follow---to re-create and give new life to formerly "unloved and un-appreciated" items! Kate..your new chest is really the "Best" imo LOL!
